The Superbowl just kicked off. All I could think about was you.
In a world where wins and losses shape how we value ourselves. I wanted to hand you the trophy of success. This isn't a participation award. It's an award for your being a part of this life experience. So tonight, before your head hits the pillow. Will you grab a notebook, or journal, and write down five of your personal wins this week?

To help you think of some, here are mine for this week.
I chatted, hung out, and connected with my family. For me that is more than luxury. It's my top delight.
I enjoyed lunches and meet-ups with friends. Easy, effortless, warm time together.
I read books. Books have been a life source for me, since before I could read.
I took long, soul enriching walks.
I hoped every day for snow.
I received emails from people on this page. They made me so happy.
I celebrate you. If your team is playing tonight. May they have a great game.