Welcome to Summer Soul School.

You are going to write about you.
This summer, I am guiding you through the writing of your own story. An opportunity to shape your legacy. To share who you are, what you have lived, and what you love. The people coming up behind you want to know you.
Over the next twelve weeks, I will be sending you a weekly prompt or story keeping technique for you to begin to shape your own story. I invite you to set aside ten minutes a day (you can go longer if you like) and complete the prompt.
All you need is a writing implement and your heart. The prompts will take it from there. I encourage pen to paper, or a journal, or notebook. However, if typing is better for you, use it, but please print it off. Our online life is robbing history in a sharp way. Printing them and saving them in a file drawer or safe space is a huge gift to generations behind us.
Today's prompt, in keeping with the longest day of the year, is, what is your happiest summer memory?
Choose your writing tools, set a timer, and write.

Leave me a comment or email me to let me know how you enjoyed it. carrielynn.storyteller@gmail.com