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The Tale of Two Trees

"What is for meant for you, will always find you."

*Journal prompt at the end.

I have piles of proof in the adage, "What is meant for you, will always find you." I can point to a baby sister I desired when I was five years old. It would take her another eleven years to materialize, eventually she arrived. I can add to that list everything from pets, to sports, to jobs, to dates, to marriage, to three children of my own. However, my sweetest example comes from two sapling trees.

In The Beginning

Thirty-one years ago, my young family and I moved into the house I still reside in. Our home and neighborhood were idyllic. Our street consisted of six homes. Most of them had families about our age. Because the street was blocked on two sides, we enjoyed the bliss of kids playing outside for hours. Running back and forth to each other's homes without a second thought.

We were doubly lucky because our home merged with a five-acre field. For twenty-one years those five acres hosted a rotation of animals from horses and cows to a momma coyote and her growing brood. Sunny days were spent sitting on the barricade feeding animals, watching sunsets, or climbing over to fly a kite.

One day, as I drove into my garage, I noticed a small sprig of a tree sprouting just where the sidewalk ended. It was a wispy branch at first, yet as seasons ticked by, it continued to grow. Unaided by anything or anyone. Eventually it had morphed itself into a sturdy tree. I loved watching its progress.

I knew from the moment I saw it, that a parable existed from it. You see, to my knowledge, no person planted that tree. Nor was it a match to the trees in our yard. Its origin was known only unto itself. Yet, it was determined to fill its purpose. It had a grown to a good stature, when man's fate removed it.

1st Neighboring Tree
1st Neighboring Tree

Twenty - One Years Later

Early in the morning of January 23, 2019, our five-acre gift underwent the first strikes of demolition. We were heartbroken as the first trees screamed as they hit the ground. I silently cried knowing my favorite little tree, which I could see from my front porch, would be among the rapacious carnage.


Four years later, after fifteen homes were squeezed into the former five acres, the neighbor who moved into the lot where my tree had been, planted six new trees along the easement. They were gorgeous their first year. However, they received no care after year one. Except for one tree. My tree.

The last tree they had planted was set in the spot that held my first magical tree. Due to run-off from our sprinklers and the length of hose I had, I took it upon myself to water that one tree. I believed it was no accident that another tree, small in stature had been planted in that exact spot.


The homeowner who planted the second tree, moved last summer. The new owner, removed the four dead trees. But he left me mine. I talk to it when I walk past it. I tell it the tale of the two trees. I let it remind me of the parable it was planted for. That simple parable is, "What is for meant for you, will always find you."

Journal Prompt

I believe we are Life's greatest joy. I believe Life gives to us as often as we let it. It wants us to find what is meant for us. My journal prompt for you today is choose one "thing" - be that an item, an experience, or a surprise - that has arrived in your life unexpectedly or when you needed it most. Write about it in delicious detail. Cherish it, remember it, celebrate it. When you do, you will be cherishing, remembering, and celebrating you.



 © Carrie Lynn - Storyteller, 2022

Website by Thatch Mountain Web Design

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