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Winter Solstice Joy*

Did you know that this is the week of the longest, darkest nights of the year? Of course you do. You also know that December 21, will be the apex night of long and dark.

Did you also know that this cosmic experience is a gift that mirrors human life? It is. Every soul I have ever met has had seasons of extended darkness. Times when it feels as if light will never return. Yet, we silently know that light will come. At those moments the small glimmers of hope resemble the stars and planets in the night sky.

Quote by Thomas Carlyle and Norman Vincent Peale
Quote by Thomas Carlyle and Norman Vincent Peale

From earth's vantage point the stars and planets are smaller than pinpoints. We are taught that the pinpoints we see are misleading due to their proximity to us. If we could journey to them, they would grow much bigger when we were up close. Isn't life just like that? The position of our vision changes the magnitude of the experience.

My invitation to you this week is to bask in the darkness. Step outside and gaze at the waning moon and stars. As you gaze let your soul remember the dark hours you have come through.

*Journal Prompt

Grab a journal writing device, and write about those dark hours. Write about the stars of hope that beckoned you forth or held you safe. Continue until your hours of soul light re-appeared in your life. Honor your winter solistice's. Your life is as beautiful as star filled sky.

Enjoy this week's dark because from December 22 onward, we are heading towards the light. Happy Solstice to You.


Jan 27

I’ve always loved that my birthday encompasses the winter solstice. Beginnings and endings……..


Dec 16, 2024

Sending you love, biggest hugs, and appreciation , dearest heart. You have always been a bright star in the sky. Happy holidays. I love you.

Carrie Lynn
Carrie Lynn
Dec 19, 2024
Replying to

I love you, too. It is fantastic to hear from you. I accept your love and hugs, and send them back. Please know that you are a brilliantly bright star in my life. I love you, too. Happy holidays to you.


 © Carrie Lynn - Storyteller, 2022

Website by Thatch Mountain Web Design

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