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Hello, Storytellers - Pleasure to Meet You

My Promise to You

I am selling nothing. My only intent is to renew the best ideals, memories, and dreams we hold inside, and give them wings to fly. If for a moment while reading my post, you find yourself reflectioning on a sweet familiar memory, or touch a dream that yearns to live, then I have succeeded.

Welcome to my Storytelling blog Storytelling is the sinew that holds life together. Every day, we are telling our own story of life. Your story has been playing since the day you arrived. It is the catalyst for our experiences going forward. You are the author of that story. Even if you are the only one who hears it.

My intent on this blog is for us to share our stories, the ones we have heard and the ones we have lived. As we tell them, we help life grow. I grew up with a resilient grandmother who used storytelling to reshape her childhood as an orphan into a tale of hope, joy, love, and purpose. The only skill required was her point of view. Over the years of listening to her, I witnessed her delight in the common everyday events in life. I want that same opportunity for all of us.

Weekly Posts & Future Forums & You

I plan to pop into your inbox once a week. To share a life highlight. I want you to share your highlights and stories, too. In the next couple weeks, we will add a forum to assist in that sharing. In the meantime, please continue to comment on a post or email me with your connections to a post. Every time we share, life gets a little better. If you follow me based on Finding Fitzgerald, I will continue to run blog posts bi-weekly on the life and history of John D.

Thank you for sharing your days with me. I have the best fans. I look forward to hearing your stories. I am glad you follow me.

Thank you,

Carrie Lynn


 © Carrie Lynn - Storyteller, 2022

Website by Thatch Mountain Web Design

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